© NPT cancer challenge 2017 Registered charity number 1070021
NPT Cancer Challenge
The picture to the right shows the ultrasound scanner purchased for the chemotherapy department of Singleton Hospital. This vital piece of equipment has now helped 85% of people receive an outpatients procedure at the clinic rather than a full surgical procedure. The equipment is used to find a patients deep vein, so a catheter can be inserted through which the chemotherapy drugs can be administered and blood taken. Patients are now able to try this procedure in a day unit instead of having to undergo an operation involving a hospital stay. This helps as most patients don't have to undergo invasive surgery at such a demanding time in their lives.
Anwen Davies (advanced nurse practitioner -
We can not thank the NPTCC enough for donating this piece of equipment. Their very generous contribution will mean that patients receiving this vital procedure will not need to be admitted to hospital, it is a huge benefit for our patients.
Anwen Davies
Anwen Davies very kindly invited some of the NPT cancer challenge team to see the ultrasound unit in her department and to explain the difference it has made to the welfare of her patients.